Sunday, August 9, 2015

Conversations With Myself

Um, so ... yea. 
It is currently raining briskly outside and the radio just replayed the same song twice in a row. However I am okay with that, because it was a good song, and having just a little extra of something is never a bad thing. 
Do you ever just stare at something and think? I mean like think deep about things? So deep that it comes to the point where you start talking about that thing to yourself. I know I have, like a few times. If that. 
But I think the real beauty in thought is that we are free to do it whenever. There is no age, time, or locational restriction on when, where, or what we can think about. It is essentially the biggest freedom we have. A true blessing.
What may be more blissful is that we can not only develop thoughts in our own minds, but we can also express those thoughts and feelings through speech and many other mediums. Thats pretty cool. Even if expressing our opinions may lead to some slight condemnation from certain people, the risk is still worth it.

So that's cool.
That was a little random, but I guess these things happen when it's 12:26 at night and the weather combined with the soft feeling of my Colorado Pajama pants put me in a blogging mood. 


Anyway, I leave you with an out-of-context D&D quote that me and my friends had last night. Why? Because I can. (If you don't know what D&D is, you will be really out of context. Just go ask your local comic book shop what D&D means or Google it)

"Yea, both his parents died."
"Oh and he lives under the stairs."
"Guys! Stop it! He isn't Harry Potter, and he doesn't live under the stairs!"

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