Friday, July 24, 2015


There were multiple epiphanies I had during this brilliant film in a series of like 5 minutes. The climactic ending brilliantly summed up the story's underlying message. A request to live your life free of fear. 

Paper Towns is not like any other movie. (And no, I don't plan on doing a review for this or any other movie in the near future) I saw this film Thursday night with a room half filled with old peers I used to know. It was baffling how many people walked into this theatre that I knew. One after another.
"Oh hey how's it going."

You get the idea.

The thing is, Paper Towns is a subtle film. Simple lessons of life creep into the story throughout the first two acts, but then a startling third act completely changes the tone of the whole movie. The reason I'm writing about this is because it completely took me by surprise, and I left the theatre with the overwhelming feeling of joy.

I can't express this idea, both because of lack of skill and tolerance to spoilers, but I can express the need to see this movie.

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