Friday, July 24, 2015


There were multiple epiphanies I had during this brilliant film in a series of like 5 minutes. The climactic ending brilliantly summed up the story's underlying message. A request to live your life free of fear. 

Paper Towns is not like any other movie. (And no, I don't plan on doing a review for this or any other movie in the near future) I saw this film Thursday night with a room half filled with old peers I used to know. It was baffling how many people walked into this theatre that I knew. One after another.
"Oh hey how's it going."

You get the idea.

The thing is, Paper Towns is a subtle film. Simple lessons of life creep into the story throughout the first two acts, but then a startling third act completely changes the tone of the whole movie. The reason I'm writing about this is because it completely took me by surprise, and I left the theatre with the overwhelming feeling of joy.

I can't express this idea, both because of lack of skill and tolerance to spoilers, but I can express the need to see this movie.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Away with Castaway

You know that speed ramp booster thing from the Mario Kart games? They give you an extra boost when you need it most 

You are in 3rd place. One lap to go. You can see the finish line in the distance as you drift around the corner. Orange flames....whoosh.

Boost Ramp

This is where I am at in life right now. I leave Colorado for good in a short 28 days. That's less than a month until I settle into my new life. A boost ramp.

Castaway Club really helped me strive to find myself and God in this future journey. Words cannot describe what has and is to come.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

-Matthew 6:33

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


"Happiness can not be gotten from things or places. Happiness is a state of being. I can travel to where you live, and be happy because I am seeing something new. But I can also travel to my back yard and be happy for many different reasons. I can be happy that I have a backyard, or I can be happy because the weather is nice there. I can be happy because my backyard gives me a feeling of comfort, or I can be happy because I am still healthy enough to be able walk myself to my backyard. You can choose to be happy with anything at anytime. I mean, you choose to be sad and angry at things, why not simply choose to be happy instead?"

Taken from reddit

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Something Cool for Everyone

You may have been a "victim" to these shenanigans before, but I sometimes do a massive music share list to all my peeps. This includes a lot of new music that I want to share.
I am going to start doing those bi-monthly on my blog(here), and email.
Sign up to stay in touch!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Music is life

Music is ... life.
And life is good.

I never really realized how much I listen to music. Like if I am awake, there is a 50% chance I will be indulging myself in some musical form.

Quick Updates about me: I am packed and ready to go for Texas A&M orientation this Sunday, and YL Camp Next Saturday!

I also am making more music so be looking forward to that at

Also, I am planning on writing a few novels in the coming years. Be looking forward to those as well as some short stories.

I am going to go back to packing, playing Diablo 3, and watching the movie "Chef". (Which you should totally watch!) Also, pray that gets fixed.